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Paul Beaver Discusses Arms Sales and the War in Bosnia.

Paul Beaver is the editor of the British magazine Jane's Balkan Sentinel. The Sentinel is published by Jane's Information Group, which also publishes Jane's Defense Weekly. Beaver discusses the magazine's investigation into tracking the clandestine arms supply routes into Bosnia and the Balkan states. It has been reported that all of the warring factions in that region have been receiving weapons illegally. The United Nation's currently has an arms embargo on the six republics of the former Yugoslavia.


Journalist Slavenka Drakulic Reports from Croatia.

Croatian journalist, critic, and feminist Slavenka Drakulic. She is the author of How We Survived Communism and Even Laughed, and The Balkan Express. Drakulic will talk about the recent developments in the Bosnian conflict: that is, the Croatian Government's assault to reclaim the Serb populated area, Krajina, which broke away when Croatia established its independence. (Interview by Marty Moss-Coane)


Mystery Writer R.D. Zimmerman Discusses His Experiences in Russia.

Mystery Writer R.D. Zimmerman (real name Robert Alexander). He is a member of the Mystery Writers of America, and has written mystery jigsaw puzzles as well as short mysteries that appeared on the backs of 15 million boxes of Total Cereal. His new book Red Trance (Morrow), is a Russian mystery of hypnotic detection. Zimmerman also talks about his business dealings in Russia, and the corruption he faced as a result.


David Remnick Discusses the War in Chechnya.

Reporter for New Yorker magazine David Remnick. He recently traveled to the Republic of Chechnya where he toured the devastation, talked to survivors and officials of the Russian Army and the Chechen Army. His article, "In Stalin's Wake," appears in this week's edition of New Yorker. He also covered the Soviet Union for The Washington Post from 1988-1990.


Stephen Engelberg Discusses the "Turning Point" in the Yugoslav War.

Stephen Engelberg of the New York Times. He is a former Eastern Europe correspondent and is presently an investigative reporter in the Washington bureau. Engelberg will reconstruct the story of the turning point in the Bosnian war: how the U.N. and Nato decided to bomb Serb headquarters last May, and then stop after the Serbs took peace keepers hostage.


Why is "French" Sexy?

Language Commentator Geoffrey Nunberg on how the word "French" has been associated with sexual activities and references... such as "French kiss", "pardon my French" and an 18th Century term for condoms: "French Letters.


Containing the Ebola Virus

Journalist Laurie Garrett has recently returned from Zaire, where many people have died due to the spread of the Ebola virus. She is the author of the new book, The Coming Plague: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance. She talks about how people in Zaire changed their behaviors in order to curtail the spread of the Ebola virus.


Violence Against Refugees in Rwanda

Alison Des Forges is a consultant to Human Rights Watch Africa. Last month, the Rwandan Patriotic Army opened fire at a refugee camp. Human Rights Watch says 2000 people were killed. Des Forges visited the camp following the massacre. Des Forges is also the Co-Chair of the International Commission on Human Rights Abuse in Rwanda. She is a professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo.


Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of V.E. Day

We speak with two veterans about their service during World War II. Tony Varone remembers V.E. DAY 50 years ago today. He served in the 9th Infantry Division which fought in Europe. He now is Commander of VFW POST in Long Island, New York. Donald Pearce fought in Europe in the Canadian Army. Pearce kept a diary during his tour of duty. His 1965 book Journal Of A War: North-west Europe 1944-1945 chronicles the battles fought in Belgian and the Netherlands.


A Documentary Filmmaker Tries to Understand a Neo-Nazi's Perspective

Director Winifried Bonengal made the film "Profession: Neo Nazi," which follows Ewald Althans, a rising leader on Germany's neo-nazi scene. Althans is different from the stereotypical neo-nazi: intelligent, successful and well-dressed. The move ignited one of the fiercest debates on documentary film making in Germany's history. It was barred from many states and the distributor was forced to withdraw it from circulation.


The U.S. Is Ill-Prepared to Confront "Rogue States"

Defense analyst and professor Michael Klare, author of Rogue States and Nuclear Outlaws: America's Search for a New Foreign Policy. The book explores the current tendency of the Pentagon to focus on Third World countries as the new threat to U.S. national security. Klare is defense correspondent for The Nation, a frequent commentator on National Public Radio, and Professor of Peace and World Security Studies at Hampshire College.


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