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Peggy Say Won't Let Her Brother Be "Forgotten"

Say's brother is Terry Anderson, the Associated Press reporter who's been held hostage in Lebanon since March 1985. During the past five years, Say has worked to free her brother, and to keep the American government, and the American people from forgetting her brother's plight. Her new memoir documents that ordeal.


David Jacobsen Recalls His Time as A Hostage in Beirut.

Former hostage David Jacobsen. In 1985 he was abducted in Beirut where he was director of the American University of Beirut's Medical Center and was held for 17 months. He was held captive along with Terry Anderson, Tom Sutherland, Ben Weir, and Martin Jenco. He's written about it in, "Hostage: My Nightmare in Beirut." (Published by Donald I. Fine, Inc.) (Interview by Marty Moss-Coane)


Glenda Lockwood Discusses her Time as an Iraqi Prisoner.

Glenda Lockwood. She and her family were living in Kuwait when the Iraqis invaded in August 1990. Later the family was taken to Bagdad as "human shields" and Glenda's son, Stuart Lockwood, was seen on international television being coaxed by Saddam Hussein. It was a propaganda effort on Hussein's part that failed, and ended up infuriating viewers around the world. Glenda Lockwood's new book is " Dairy of a Human Shield." (by Bloomsbury, distributed by Trafalgar Square, North Pomfret, Vermont 05053).


Former Hostage Terry Waite.

Middle East expert and British hostage in Beirut, Terry Waite. While in Lebanon in 1987, as an Anglican Church envoy to negotiate the release of hostages there, Waite himself was captured. He was held for 1,763 days (nearly five years); four years of that time was spent in solitary confinement. He had made numerous trips to the Middle East to negotiate hostage releases in Tehran and Beirut, and was no stranger to the danger of factional conflicts: in 1969 Waite and his wife narrowly escaped the Idi Amin coup in Uganda.


Audience is Loser in Haneke's Unfunny 'Games'

In Michael Haneke's new film, a wealthy American family opens the door of their secluded vacation home to two strangers — who proceed to torture them in a series of sadistic games. David Edelstein has a review.


A Reporter's Tale Of Ambush And Captivity

New York Times reporter David Rohde was covering Pakistan and Afghanistan in November 2008 when he and two companions were kidnapped by the Taliban and held in the tribal areas of Pakistan for seven months. Rohde recounts the ambush — and his subsequent imprisonment and escape.


Ling Sisters Recount Laura's Capture In North Korea

After journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee were detained in North Korea in 2009, Laura's sister, fellow journalist Lisa Ling, worked tirelessly to bring them home. In a conversation with contributor Dave Davies, the sisters detail the incident that ended with former President Bill Clinton bringing them home.

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