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Remembering Bill Graham.

We remember rock impresario Bill Graham, who died this weekend in a helicopter crash. Terry Gross talked with Graham on May 17 of 1989. We'll play back part of that interview.


The Team of Don & Dewey.

Rock historian Ed Ward profiles the songwriting team of Don Harris and Dewey Terry. They worked at Los Angeles' Specialty Records, where Little Richard also recorded, and gave the studio some of its biggest hits.


A New Name for a Second Chance.

Rock historian Ed Ward looks at some of the bands that have changed their identities, and names, along the way, including: the Gladiolas/Maurice Williams and the Zodiacs, James Brown, and the Primettes/Supremes.


An Exceptional Debut.

Rock critic Ken Tucker reviews "Living With The Law," the new album from singer and songwriter Chris Whitley.


David Bianculli Reviews Two Shows that Haven't Been Shown Yet.

Television critic David Bianculli goes out on a limb, and reviews two live shows before they air..."Paul Simon Live in Central Park," which airs Thursday night on HBO, and "The Elvis Files," a syndicated show that tries to prove that Elvis Presley is still alive.


Rolling Stones Drummer Discusses his Jazz Album.

Drummer Charlie Watts. For a quarter century, Watts has been the drummer for the rock band The Rolling Stones. Watts has also had a life-long love for jazz, particularly the jazz of Charlie Parker. Watts has put together a jazz combo that pays homage to Parker, called "From One Charlie," and he's written a kid's book about Parker, called "Ode to a Highflying Bird." (Both are published by UFO Records in England). (Interview by Marty Moss-Coane)


The True 'Johnny B. Goode."

Pianist JOHNNIE JOHNSON. For nearly 30 years, Johnson was Chuck Berry's pianist. He played on all of Chuck's great hits, and he gained rock and roll immortality when Chuck Barry wrote the song "Johnnie B. Goode" about him. Now Johnnie Johnson has his own album, called "Johnnie B. Bad." (It's on Elektra/Nonesuch).


Sonny Bono Discusses the Era of Sonny & Cher.

Part two of our interview with Sonny Bono. Today, he talks about the Sonny and Cher years, their breakup, and his going on to be elected mayor of Palm Springs, California. Bono has a new autobiography, called "And The Beat Goes On" (published by Pocket Books).


Sonny Bono Discusses his Early Career.

The first of a two-part interview with Sonny Bono. Today, Bono discusses his early years in the record business, his work with Phil Specter, and his meeting Cher. Tomorrow, he talks about the Sonny and Cher years, their breakup, and his going on to be elected mayor of Palm Springs, California. Bono has a new autobiography, called "And The Beat Goes On" (published by Pocket Books).


The "Sun Sound."

Record producer and consultant Colin Escott. Escott's had a long association with Sun Records, the company responsible for many of the great acts from the dawn of rock and roll. Escott has a new book about Sun, called "Good Rockin' Tonight" (published by St. Martin's Press).


Singer and Songwriter Richard Thompson

Thompson is a British musician first known for his work with Fairport Convention. He's since gone solo, writing dark songs which blend elements of British folk ballads and the blues. His new album is called "Rumor and Sigh."


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