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'Election Meltdown Is A Real Possibility' In 2020 Presidential Race, Author Warns

What if a blackout were to happen in a major city in one of America's swing states on Election Day 2020? Or if an error occurred while tabulating electronic ballots? How would the electorate respond if one of the candidates refused to concede the election? These are all scenarios that law professor and Election Law Blog founder Richard Hasen considered while writing his new book, Election Meltdown: Dirty Tricks, Distrust and the Threat to American Democracy.


Trump 'Will Not Accept Any Result That Is Not A Victory,' 'Atlantic' Writer Says

Barton Gellman writes about the 2020 presidential election — and how he thinks it could trigger a constitutional crisis — in his latest article for The Atlantic. He notes that typically elections are ended when one candidate concedes to the other. It's a system, he says, that "presumes good behavior and presumes that a rational and well-meaning candidate will accept reality when it comes." But Gellman does not trust a scenario that relies upon good faith from the president.


'Dark Money' Is Funding The 2020 Election Challenge — And Could Challenge 2024

Journalist JANE MAYER is The New Yorker’s chief Washington Correspondent. Her new article in the magazine is The Big Money Behind the Big Lie and is about the money behind efforts to restrict voting, and challenge Joe Biden’s victory. MAYER is the author of a number of books including Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right.


Attorney Laura Coates has witnessed the dissolution of voting rights first hand

While working for the Department of Justice, attorney Laura Coates says she saw voter rolls being purged and instances where polling places were moved to known Klan locations. She also worked as a prosecutor and had to grapple with her own relationship with law enforcement, as a Black woman. Coates is a CNN analyst and hosts a SiriusXM show. Her new memoir is 'Just Pursuit.'


Fresh Air with Terry Gross

New York Times journalist Charles Homans says scores of groups at the state and local levels, with the help of right wing media figures and activists, are taking aim at the electoral system.


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