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'Changing the Logic of War in Sudan'

John Prendergast is the co-director of the Africa Program for the International Crisis Group. He's the author of the book God, Oil, and Country; Changing the Logic of War in Sudan. Before joining ICG, he was a special advisor to the U.S. State Department, where he worked on a number of issues, including Sudan policy.


Doctors Without Borders in Sudan

Dr. Rowan Gillies is the International President of Midecins Sans Frontihres (Doctors Without Borders). He is a medical doctor and surgeon from Sydney, Australia. Dr. Gilles began working with Doctors Without Borders in 1998 as a field doctor in Afghanistan. Since then he has worked with the organization in Sierra Leone, South Sudan and Liberia. He recently returned from Sudan.


A Marine's View of the Sudan Crisis

Former Marine Capt. Brian Steidle has been in the Darfur region of Western Sudan monitoring the humanitarian crisis there for the African Union. Steidle says there's no doubt that Sudan is in the midst of genocide.


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