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Rediscovering Tebaldi

Classical music Lloyd Schwartz reviews a new collection of Renata Tebaldi's performances. The recordings are so good that he's willing to overlook the soprano's sometimes forced, theatrical effects.


An Italian Opera in Spanish Harlem

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz talks to Fresh Air's Terry Gross about an updated version of Mozart's Figaro. The opera, directed by Peter Sellars, is set in New York City -- but is still sung in Italian.


A Major Work by a Major Cellist

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz says that few recordings do justice to cellist Yo-Yo Ma's talents. Fortunately, a new recording of Schumann's cello concerto gives Ma a chance to shine.


Historical Interpretations of Classical Music

Conductor Roger Norrington seeks to recreate the sound of classical pieces -- particularly by Beethoven -- as they were originally performed. His orchestras plays period instruments; Norrington emphasizes the dynamics and tempos that were written in the scores -- markings often ignored by other conductors.


Three by Annie Fischer

The Hungarian pianist isn't well-known in the United States, but a number of reissued recordings on the Price-Les$ label, which classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz calls "glorious," will give listeners a chance to hear what they've been missing.


"Le Chant du Rossignol."

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews a CBS reissue of Pierre Boulez conducting the 1910 version of Stravinsky's "Song of the Nightingale."


Third Stream Music with Gunther Schuller.

Composer, arranger, conductor Gunther Schuller. One of the most ardent supporters of new music, Schuller is equally at home with the music of bebop and the big band era as he with the 12-tone classical composers. Schuller is the past head of the New England Conservatory of Music, where he founded the New England Conservatory's Ragtime Band. In the late 40s, when he first cultivated his eclectic approach to music, Schuller held jobs simultaneously with the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra and with Miles Davis' tuba band.


Arvo Part's "Tintinnabulation."

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews "Arbos," a recent recording of compositions by Estonian composer Arvo Part. Part's music has similarities to the music of the minimalists, but is also influenced by medieval liturgical music.


The Art of Singing Operetta.

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews a new CD featuring French soprano Renée Doria. The selections were recorded between 1944 and 1970.


An Opera About Nixon.

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews the cast recording of the contemporary opera "Nixon in China." The score was written by minimalist composer John Adams.


Conductor Simon Rattle.

British conductor Simon Rattle. While Rattle has won acclaim for his guest conducting in America and Europe, he is best known for the success of his City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra. Rattle's success has created a new legitimacy in England for regional orchestras. The orchestra is now touring in America.


"Stravinsky Conducts Stravinsky."

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews the first two compact discs of Stravinsky conducting his own music. Included are two of Stravinsky's most accessible works, "The Rite of Spring" and "Petrushka." Also included are three abstract scores, "Symphony in C," "Symphony in Three Movements," and "Symphony of Psalms."


Pianist Ursula Oppens.

Pianist Ursula Oppens. She's widely regarded as one of the leading interpreters of new music. Many contemporary composers, like John Adams, have written works for her.


Music From the Soviet Union.

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews a recording of the score for the ballet "The Lady With the Lap Dog" by the Russian composer Rodion Shchedrin. The ballet was performed at the recent Soviet-American Music Festival in Boston. Shchedrin was one of the Soviet organizers of the event.


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