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A New Documentary on Maria Callas

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews a new PBS documentary about Maria Callas. He says it's not as well-organized or thoughtful as an earlier film about the opera star; the late singer would be better served by a complete broadcast of one of her performances.


Pablo Casals At Last Reissued on CD

Lloyd Schwartz says that Spanish cellist's renditions of Bach are unrivaled. He reviews Casals' complete performances the composer's cello suite, as well as a more recent recording of Beethoven's trios.


A Western Composer Takes His Cues from the East

Composer Lou Harrison studied with Arnold Schoenberg and Henry Cowell, and collaborated with John Cage. But classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz says that a new recording of his music reveals an Asian influence. It's a calming addition to the late-20th century repertory.


Schnabel's Mastery of Mozart

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews a series of recordings of pianist Artur Schanbel's performances of Mozart's music. Schwartz also shares some personal stories which illustrate why this music is so important to him.


Songs by a New Hungarian Composer

Critic Lloyd Schwartz says recordings of Gyorgy Kurtag's music are few, but he was able to track down a recent LP of some of the composer's song cycles -- several of which are full of humor.


Impeccable Performances of Bulgarian Folk Songs

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews the second volume of traditional music from the Bulgarian State Radio and Television Female Vocal Choir, called Le Mystere des Voix Bulgares. He says the singers' masterful renditions highlight the unusual harmonies not often found in Western music.


A Modern Take on "A Soldier's Tale"

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews an all-star recording of Stravinsky's jazz-inspired theater piece, which features Sting, Ian McKellen, and Vanessa Redgrave.


Composer Terry Riley Remembers "In C"

Riley's breakthrough composition reduced melody to short, repetitive gestures, while still leaving room for improvisation. While hailed as the father of minimalist music, Riiey eschews the term. He is largely inspired by Indian raga, and performs often as an improvisor.


A Rising Talent from Yugoslavia

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz just discovered pianist Tomsic Dubravka. He places her in the same category as masters like Glenn Gould and Artur Schnabel.


Dutch Composer Edo de Waart

Waart specializes in 20th century classical music, and leads the Minnesota Orchestra. He first established himself in the Netherlands before moving to the United States. Wart joins Fresh Air to discuss the differences between American and European orchestra management, and the need for more adventurous programming.


Two by James Galway

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz says Galway is both masterful and unusually modest when performing the concertos of Saverio Mercadante. But a new greatest hits collection, which features truncated and pop versions of orchestral works, is little more than crass commercialism.


"Visions" of Medieval Spain

The Nonesuch label has released new recordings of early sacred songs by Ensemble Alcatraz, who perform on period instruments. Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz says that, since the music on "Visions and Miracles" draws on so many cultural traditions, it's a source of constant discovery.


A Symphonic, American Collage

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews the Chicago Symphony Orchestra's recording of Charles Ives' Holidays Symphony, which draws its inspiration from four different American holidays. Ives incorporates folks songs, traditional music, and the background noise of everyday life into his compositions, often to haunting effect.


Flutist Carol Wincenc

The musician is considered part of a recent flute revival. Wincenc joins Fresh Air to discuss the nature of the instrument and how she achieves her rich tone. Wincenc plays classic and contemporary pieces, including works she commissions from new composers.


Celebrating Bernstein's 70th Birthday

Classical musical critic Lloyd Schwartz says the new CD, The Bernstein Songbook, avoids the composer's orchestral flops, instead featuring excerpts from his exuberant operas and musicals.


Bolet Plays Ballades

Cuban-born pianist Jorge Bolet was a mainstay of the concert circuit; only recently have his recording garnered much attention. Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz says that some of his performances of classic Chopin pieces have interpretive nuance, while others -- white pretty -- lack depth.


A Musical Friendship Captured on Compact Disc

Composer Bela Bartok was also an accomplished pianist. A new CD features a 1940 recital he gave at the Library of Congress with his longtime friend and collaborator, violinist Joseph Szigeti. Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz says it's amazing the recording exists at all; it opens the door to all great performances of the past.


RCA Reissues Two Kurt Weill Recordings

"Berlin" and "American Theater Songs" are now available on a single CD, featuring Weill's wife and collaborator Lotte Lenya. But some of the songs have been cut or edited for brevity. Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz calls that decision "immoral," and says the original LPs are now more essential than ever.


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