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Canadian Writer Mordecai Richler Discusses the Independence Movement in Quebec.

One of Canada's best-known writers Mordecai Richler. He's a novelist, journalist and screenwriter. His novels include, "The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz," and "Solomon Gursky Was Here." His new book about Quebec's language-obsessed separatist movement is "Oh Canada! Oh Quebec! Requiem for a Divided Country," (by Alfred A. Knopf). In October a referendum will be voted on in Quebec which could create a separate, French-speaking nation.


Philip Shenon Discusses the Situation in Thailand.

Southeast Asia Correspondent for The New York Times, Philip Shenon (SHE-none). He's been following the protests between Thai troups and pro-democracy protestors in Bangkok, Thialand. The protestors: students, professionals, and workers have been demanding that the Prime Minister Suchinda Kraprayoon step down. Suchinda, a former military leader, led a coup last year against the democratic Government and took power in April as an unelected Prime Minister. Many people have died in the protests. SHENON will update us on the situation. (Interview by Marty Moss-Coane)


Stan Sesser Discusses the Current Situation in Cambodia.

Stan Sesser, a staff writer at The New Yorker magazine, just wrote a lengthy article called "Report From Cambodia." A country that's been dirt poor for several decades is experiencing a new prosperity since the United Nations peace agreement was signed last October. Oddly, the agreement calls for a sharing of power with the Khmer Rouge, an action Sesser equates with allowing the Nazis back into power in post war Germany. (The article is in the May 18, 1992 issue of The New Yorker.)


William Taubman Discusses Moscow Today.

William Taubman is a political science professor at Amherst College. He was recently in Moscow as one of the scholars invited to help open up the archives of the government under Communism. He was able to get a sense of the day to day workings of the Soviet empire.


Reporter Vernon Loeb.

Reporter for the Philadelphia Inquirer Vernon Loeb. He's been reporting from the Far East for the last several years. He'll talk with Terry about the problems facing the region like the explosion of AIDS in Thailand and especially Bangkok; the repression and ethnic fighting in Burma; and the amassing on the Thai/Burmese border of refugees fleeing repression in Burma.


Adam Ulam Discusses the History of the U. S. S. R.

Author Adam Ulam (OO-lom) ("om" as in bomb) Director of the Russian Research Center and Gurney Professor of History and Political Science at Harvard. His new book is "The Communists: The Story of Power and Lost Illusions 1948-1991." (published byScribner's). He's also the author of "The Bolsheviks.


Journalist Hedrick Smith Discusses the U. S. S. R. after Gorbachev.

Journalist Hedrick Smith. Smith has spent years covering the Soviet Union, as a reporter for the New York Times, as an author, and as a TV documentary producer and correspondent. He's just returned from the former Soviet Union, and his latest report, "After Gorbachev's U.S.S.R." airs this week on the public television documentary series, "Frontline." (Interview by Marty Moss-Coane)


Jessica Tuchman Mathews Discusses the Global Nature of Environmental Issues.

Jessica Tuchman Mathews, Vice President of the World Resources Institute, which she helped to found, discusses global environmental issues. Many environmental issues, like the greenhouse effect and air and water pollution, cross national borders and their solutions depend on international cooperation. Mathews is also a columnist for The Washington Post and was on the staff of the National Security Council during the Carter Administration.


Writer George Packer.

Writer George Packer. Packer's new novel, "The Half Man," is the story of a Western journalist caught in the turmoil of a fictitious Pacific Asian country. In real life, Packer spent two years with the Peace Corps in Togo, and that experience helped shape this book. (It's published by Random House).


Writer Tatyana Tolstaya.

Writer Tatyana Tolstaya ("taht-tee-an-yah tol-STOY-yah"). She's gaining a reputation as one of the (former) Soviet Union's most critically acclaimed new writers. She's also a distant relative of Leo Tolstoy. Her new collection of stories is called "Sleepwalker In A Fog" (published by Knopf).


Arms Developments of the Post Cold War Era.

Michael Klare, defense correspondent for the Nation. In the February third issue, Klare examines the current state of arms sales throughout the world. He says although nuclear arms sales have been curtailed, and the Soviet Union is gone, the sale of conventional arms to the third world continues unabated. Klare is also an associate professor at Hampshire College, and director of the Five-College Program in Peace and World Securities.


Stan Sesser Discusses Singapore.

Journalist Stan Sesser. He is a staff writer and reporter for The New Yorker. He talks with Terry about Singapore and the neo-authoritarianism that exists there. Neo-authoritarianism combines communism's authority over its population with capitalism's free market system. Sesser says its a growing trend in the Pacific Rim. (His article about Singapore appears in the January 13, 1992 issue of The New Yorker.)


On Creating the Czechoslovakian Constitution.

First amendment lawyer Matin Garbus He recently defended Peter Matthiessen's controversial book, "In the Spirit of Crazy Horse," against two separate libel suits. Garbus is currently helping to draft a new constitution for Czechoslovakia. He talks with Terry about that.


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