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43 Segments




The Secrets of the A.E.C.

Daniel Ford is the former Executive Director of the Union of Concerned Scientists. He led a ten year investigation into the nuclear industry and its relationship with the Atomic Energy Commission. Ford discovered that the regulatory agency saw itself as an industry partner and suppressed damaging reports. His report has been published in the book "The Cult of the Atom: The Secret Papers of the Atomic Energy Commission." (PARTIAL INTERVIEW)


A Thriller that's More than a Thriller

Book critic John Leonard says that Robert Stuart Nathan's new mystery book, The White Tiger, features a memorable portrayal of Beijing, and makes for fine summer reading.


Investigating New York City Mayor Ed Koch

Journalist Jack Newfield has cowritten a book with Wayne Barrett, City for Sale, about the corruption associated with New York City mayor Ed Koch, who is currently serving his third term. Newfield calls attention to the political influence of organized crime and the nepotism involved in filling civil service positions.


How the United States Built and Then Took Down Manuel Noriega.

Journalist John Dinges (pronounced DING-gess, with a hard G in the second syllable). Dinges' new book, "Our Man in Panama," traces the history of Manuel Noriega's relationship with the United States, from his recruitment by the CIA in the 60s to his fate in the wake of the U. S. invasion of Panama. Dinges has covered Central and South America for many years. Currently he's a foreign editor for National Public Radio. ("Our Man in Panama" is published by Random House).


Real and Dramatic Takes on the Television Interviews

Television critic David Bianculli previews three shows worth catching this week...David Frost's interview with General Norman Schwarzkopf, Bob Costas' interview with musician Paul Simon, and the political comedy "House of Cards," premiering this week on Masterpiece Theater.


Anticipating the Results of the Recent Cambodian Election

Journalist Stan Sesser is a reporter covering Southeast Asia for the New Yorker. He has collected some of those pieces in a new book "The Lands of Charm and Cruelty: Travels in Southeast Asia." He discusses the recent elections in Cambodia which featured violence, twenty political parties and massive voter turnout


Stephen Handelman Discusses the Russian Mob.

Foreign Correspondent Stephen Handelman He spent nearly six years in the former Soviet Union as chief of the Moscow Bureau of the Toronto Star, where he covered the final years of the Soviet regime. His new book Comrade Criminal: Russia's New Mafiya (Yale) examines and uncovers the intricate networking of the post-Soviet criminal underworld. Handelman is also the author of Uncommon Kingdom. He is currently an associate fellow at Columbia University's Harriman Institute.


Newt Gingrich and GOPAC Revealed.

Investigative journalist for the New York Times, Steve Engelberg. He's the co-author of the article "Birth of a Vision" (Sunday, Dec 3, NYT) about Newt Gingrich and GOPAC, the political committee that supports Republican party candidates and office holders. The organization was headed by Gingrich until last spring. Documents that have just become public disclose that as early as five years ago Gingrich and his "political intimates" planned a takeover of Congress. But they failed to gain support from President Bush.


The History of Prohibition

Journalist and author Edward Behr talks with Terry Gross about his new book "Prohibition: Thirteen Years That Changed America." Behr has written ten other books including: "The Last Emperor," and "Hirohito: Behind the Myth."


Nixon's "Abuse of Power" Revealed on Tapes.

Historian Stanley Kutler. He's just edited a collection of "The New Nixon Tapes." The book is titled "Abuse of Power" (The Free Press). Kutler sued the National Archives and the Nixon Estate for the release of 3000 hours of tapes in 1996, 200 hours of which are now available. Kutler is also the author of "The Wars of Watergate," and historical advisor for the television documentary, "Watergate."


The Role of the Independent Counsel in Politics.

Guest Host Barbara Bogaev talks with Edward Felsenthal and John Harwood. Felsenthal is the Supreme Court Correspondent from the Wall Street Journal, about the article on the Independent Counsel which appear in today's Wall Street Journal. Clinton, ironically, signed into law in 1994 the Independent Counsel Reauthorization Act. Soon after, Kenneth Starr began his Whitewater Investigation. Now, after two decades. the Independent Council is being criticized for its nearly unrestricted use of time, money and prosecutorial authority.


Journalist Michela Wrong

Journalist Michela Wrong is the author of the new book In the Footsteps of Mr Kurtz: Living on the Brink of Disaster in Mobutu's Congo. The book examines the 1960 CIA plot to murder Patrice Lumumba who was then leader of newly independent Congo. The plot led to Lumumba's removal from power and the ascension of Mobutu Sese Seko. Wrong is a staff reporter with The Financial Times.


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