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How "To Be" Dizzy Gillespie

Al Fraser co-wrote Dizzy Gillespie's autobiography. He tells Terry Gross about the interviews he conducted with iconic jazz musicians during his research.


How Hospitals Deny the Rights of Children

Sociologist Ann H. Beuf explores the reasons for the negative experiences children have in hospitals in her new book, Biting Off the Bracelet. She tells Fresh Air host Terry Gross about how the expectations of hospitalized children often conflict with positive ideas off child rearing.


From Carnival Performer to Munchkin

Actor Meinhardt Raabe tells Terry Gross about his experiences as a little person, how he earned a living in carnivals and circuses, and what it was like to portray a Munchkin in the film The Wizard of Oz.


Making Prisons Better Places

John D. Case was a prison warden based in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. He worked to improve the prison system through better training and pay for prison employees and an emphasis on inmate rehabilitation. He also advocates for the repealing of laws which he feels lead to unnecessary prison sentences.


Musical Film Actor Donald O'Connor

Actor, singer, and dancer Donald O'Connor is best known for this role in the film Singin' in the Rain. He talks about the making of that movie, the changing tastes in musical films, and the off-screen work he pursues to sustain his career.


Red Rodney Graduated to Jazz

Red Rodney honed his skills as a trumpet player in Philadelphia. Later, he joined Charlie Parker's band. He tells Fresh Air host Terry Gross about kicking his heroin habit and the kinds of jobs he takes to make a career in music.


The Controversy Behind "Cruising"

Scott Tucker of the Lavender Left, director of the Philadelphia Lesbian and Gay Task Force Rita Addessa, and Women Against Violence Against Women Member Peggy O'Donnell address the controversy behind William Friedkin's film Cruising, which stars Al Pacino as an undercover cop infiltrating the gay S&M scene in New York. The guests take a close look at the film's exaggerated and dehumanizing portrayal of gay people and discuss their planned protests. Fresh Air listeners call in with their questions and comments.

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