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Conductor Marin Alsop on Keeping Alive a Black Composer's Music

Alsop is the music director of the Colorado Symphony. One of the few woman conductors in the world, she has also served as music director of the Lond Island Philharmonic, and has been the guest conductor for many orchestras, including the St. Louis Symphony, the Philadelphia Orchestra, and the Boston Pops Orchestra. Her new CD "Victory Stride," features the work of the African American composer James P. Johnson.


Stravinsky's Use of Folk Songs Underlined by New Album.

Classical Music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews a new recording of a major Stravinsky score, "Les Noces and Village Wedding Songs" performed by the Pokrovsky Ensemble on the Elektra label. This recording presents the pieces in the style of folk singing, rather than the usual concert style.


Fascinating and Clever Transcriptions of Famous Overtures.

Classical Music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews a new album of opera overtures played on wind instruments, "Overture" by the Harmonie Ensemble of New York, conducted by Steve Richman (on the Music & Arts Programs of America label: 510-525-4583).


Rare Recording of Pavarotti and Sills.

Classical Music critic Lloyd Schwartz on a live performance of Bellini's opera "I Puritani" which features Luciano Pavarotti and Beverly Sills. (Legato Classics)


A Peculiar Opera.

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews the jazz opera "Jonny spielt auf" (pronounced shpeelt auf) of the new series "Entartete" (pronounced ent-ART-a-tuh, London Records). It's a series of music banned during the Holocaust.


New Recordings Among Bernstein's Best.

Conductor and composer Leonard Bernstein would have been 75 today: classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz is a converted fan after hearing the Haydn portion of Sony's new "Royal Edition" of Bernstein performances, complete in 100 compact discs.


Welcome Back Pierre Boulez.

Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews a number of new recordings conducted by composer Pierre Boulez (Boo-LEZZ). Three new discs of Stravinsky, Bartok, and Debussy (on Deutsche Grammophon). The Erato label has a new recording, and so does Sony (Boulez's greatest hits).


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