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Maureen Corrigan




Why Book Lovers Can't Expect Monogamy

Book critic Maureen Corrigan says she often feels jealous when she sees other people reading her favorite authors. But she concedes that some books need a community of readers in order to be fully appreciated.


Monetizing a Monument on Ellis island

Ellis Island reopens to the public soon. Commentator Maureen Corrigan shares her disappointment that she'll have to pay if she wants her grandparents' names inscribed on the new American Immigrant Wall of Honor.


The Astounding Memory of Three Exiled Writers

Commentator Maureen Corrigan talks about her admiration of Erich Auerbach, Leon Trotsky, and Fernand Braudel, writers who were somehow able to write expansive, well-researched books while in prison or exile -- without notes or access to other texts and documents.


The Return of 1960s Fashion

Critic Maureen Corrigan comments on the latest women's fashion trend--a reboot of styles she grew up wearing. Corrigan never thought they were exciting, and wonders why they're so popular now.


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