Mark Mothersbaugh As a Guest 1 segment Queue July 19, 1988 09:53 DEVOlving through the 80s Mark Mothersbaugh and Gerry Casale were still in art school when they founded their band DEVO, which is equally inspired by high and low culture. They join Fresh Air to talk about their music's role in the current corporate-sponsored rock culture. Interview Mark MothersbaughGérald V Casale
Queue July 19, 1988 09:53 DEVOlving through the 80s Mark Mothersbaugh and Gerry Casale were still in art school when they founded their band DEVO, which is equally inspired by high and low culture. They join Fresh Air to talk about their music's role in the current corporate-sponsored rock culture. Interview Mark MothersbaughGérald V Casale