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Ed Ward

As a Guest

521 segments

A Retrospective of Mable John's Career.

Rock Historian Ed Ward highlights the music of singer Mable John. She hit the black radio top ten chart in the 1960s with her song "Your Good Thing." Her music never caught on and not surprisingly most of her material never was released by Stax Records. But in 1993, Fantasy Records, assembled her music and released what turns out to be her first album.


Pop in the United States.

Rock Historian Ed Ward looks at why "Pop" music has hit the charts around the world but remains buried in the subculture in America. "Pop" music, as it is known internationally, is not to be mistaken with Top 40. Ward says American radio stations in the late 1970s and early 80s didn't pick up the sound and a lot of the "Pop" music went unheard.


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