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Ed Ward

As a Guest

521 segments

Leiber and Stoller's Record Labels and Their Hits.

Rock historian Ed Ward profiles the Red Bird record label and its soul subsidiary Blue Cat. They were the creations of the 60s songwriting and producing team, Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller. The labels' hits include "Going to the Chapel," and "Boy From New York City."


Lesser Known Vietnam Protest Songs.

Rock historian Ed Ward plays some of the lessor known, but more effecting, protest songs about the Vietnam War. Artists include: Charlie and Inez Foxx, Jimmy Cliff, Freda Payne, and Grand Funk Railroad.


A Harmony Group Ruined by Success.

Rock historian Ed Ward has a retrospective on the Five Keys, a black harmony group that turned out a number of pop and R&B hits in the early 1950's. Their hits included "The Glory of Love," "Ling Ting Tong," and "Close Your Eyes."


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