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Ed Ward

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521 segments

How Hawaiians Made the Guitar Their Own

Rock historian Ed Ward recently returned from a trip to Hawaii, where he immersed himself in the local music traditions. He says that slide guitar became a staple in contemporary times, and became so distinctive that country musicians in the South imitated the style


CBGB's Punk Rock Legacy

Several bands that emerged from the 1970s punk scene -- including Television, the Talking Heads, the Ramones, and Blondie -- got their start at the Manhattan nightclub. Rock historian Ed Ward tells its story.


The Burnette Brothers' Brushes with Stardom

The band, comprising brothers Dorsey and Johnny, as well as guitarist Paul Burlison, were contemporaries of Elvis, and released several memorable records. But their music was constantly overshadowed by other artists. Rock historian Ed Ward has this profile.


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