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Ed Ward

As a Guest

521 segments

Arranger Dave Bartholomew's Mark on Rock History

Rock historian Ed Ward looks back on the career of the New Orleans-based musician. Bartholomew -- who's still playing today -- arranged songs for several other artists, and made many excellent novelty records of his own.


A Voter's Guide for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Rock historian Ed Ward is one of the privileged few who can vote for this year's inductees. He thinks the artists who really shaped rock and roll are underrepresented. Miles runs through the ballot, weighing each musician's merits, before choosing his top five.


Wanda Jackson Was More than a Country Star

In the 1950s, Elvis Presley encouraged Jackson to sing rockabilly. She was notable for writing and performing her own independent and forceful songs, says rock historian Ed Ward. Her sexual persona matched Presley's, but proved to be a detriment to her career -- so she returned to country music.


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