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Ed Ward

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521 segments

The Songwriting of Percy Mayfield

Rock historian Ed Ward profiles the influential musician, who had a string of hits in the early 1950s. An automobile accident scarred his face, and he stayed out of the public eye for several years. But Mayfield still made a living from music, with song for other artists -- like the Ray Charles hit, "Hit the Road, Jack."


A "Smile" at the Demise of the Beach Boys

Rock historian Ed Ward talks about the Beach Boys's legendary concept album, which was never released. Many of the songs eventually appeared on their later, official releases, often in a watered-down form.


Curtis Mayfield Secures His Place in Soul Music

Ed Ward concludes his two-part history of the politically-minded singer and songwriter. Mayfield was recruited by Columbia Records so that label could compete with Motown. After a few career missteps with other labels, Mayfield scored two hits from his soundtrack the film Superfly.


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