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Maureen Corrigan




Memoir of a Book Lover

Writer, professor and Fresh Air book critic Maureen Corrigan is one of those lucky people in life who has been able to combine her passion with her profession. She discusses her new memoir, Leave Me Alone, I'm Reading.


Maureen Corrigan's Love of Reading

Book critic Maureen Corrigan's memoir about her lifelong love of reading is Leave Me Alone, I'm Reading: Finding and Losing Myself in Books. This interview originally aired on Sep. 12, 2005.


'Her Peers': A Gutsy Anthology Of Women Writers

Elaine Showalter's A Jury Of Her Peers offers a literary history of American women writers spanning from the tales of Puritan Anne Bradstreet to the modern-day gay cowboy stories of Annie Proulx. Maureen Corrigan has a review.


Stymied By Perfectionism, 'Scratched' Author Struggles To Break Free

Writer's block can be temporary — or it can be massive and long lasting. After her third short story collection, Honey, came out in 1993, Elizabeth Tallent fell victim to a rockfall, avalanche, total-impasse-of-the-imagination writer's block and didn't publish another book for 22 years.


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